19 research outputs found

    Modeling the thermal environment in an operating room

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    Comfort is important in everybody's lives, as it is not only a health subject, but also a productive issue. As environmental conditions differ accordingly to the space use, there is a direct influence of this space on human comfort. The Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems are a crucial way to obtain the expected air quality levels in the interior of buildings and to achieve thermal comfort. These systems ensure air renewal, pressurization, temperature control, and air humidity, being of utmost importance in healthcare facilities. Providing thermal comfort conditions and good air quality, especially in operating rooms, is a difficult task, as the environmental conditions should be suitable for medical staff performance and for patient safety, as well. In the current study, a Computational Fluid Dynamics model was developed and coupled with a thermoregulatory model of the human body to describe the fluid flow, heat transfer and mass transfer between the ventilation air and a human manikin inside an operating room. The CFD simulation solves the heat, mass and momentum conservation equations in the computation domain using a finite volume discretization method, in the ANSYS - environment. The interaction between the body and the environment is determined by the thermoregulatory model, which includes temperature and the moisture diffusion through the cloth fabrics. The combination of the human body and space ventilation models allows evaluating the influence of the main thermal comfort variables on the calculation of comfort index, such as, the PMV

    Uso de álcool e drogas e sua influência sobre as práticas sexuais de adolescentes de Minas Gerais, Brasil Alcohol and illicit drug use and its influence on the sexual behavior of teenagers from Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    Os achados provêm de um estudo transversal de 5.981 estudantes de escolas públicas de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Avaliou-se a influência do uso de drogas sobre as práticas sexuais. Dos rapazes com relacionamento casual que referiram ter utilizado drogas ilícitas, 55,7% disseram usar preservativos de forma consistente (em todas as relações sexuais), enquanto entre os que nunca fizeram uso de tais substâncias, esse percentual foi de 65,4%. Entre os rapazes com relacionamento fixo, que utilizaram droga ilícita, o uso consistente de preservativos foi referido por 42,7%, ao passo que, para os que nunca fizeram uso dessas substâncias, esse percentual foi de 64,1%. No subgrupo dos rapazes com parceria fixa que nunca utilizaram drogas ilícitas, o uso consistente do preservativo foi menos freqüente entre os que utilizaram cigarro e/ou álcool do que entre os que não referiram este uso (60,7% vs. 71,1%). As moças apresentaram menor proporção de uso consistente do preservativo do que os rapazes, independentemente do tipo de parceria, sem influência aparente dos padrões de consumo. Os achados sugerem a necessidade de integrar a prevenção do uso de drogas à de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis/gravidez indesejada.<br>This article summarizes the findings of a survey including 5,981 students from public schools in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The analysis assessed the influence of drug use on sexual practices. Among the boys engaged in relationships with casual partners who stated having used illicit drugs, 55.7% reported consistent condom use, as compared to 65.4% among those not reporting such habits. Among boys engaged in relationships with stable partners who reported illicit drug use, consistent condom use was reported by 42.7%, versus 64.1% among those not reporting such habits. In the subgroup of boys engaged in stable relationships who did not report illicit drug use, consistent condom use was less frequent among those that used alcohol/cigarettes, compared to those who did not drink or smoke (60.7% vs. 71.1%). Girls were less likely than boys to use condoms consistently, regardless of the nature of their relationships, without a noticeable influence of drug use. Policies to prevent drug abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, and unplanned pregnancy should be fully integrated